face-naamabHello there! I am D.Sc. (Tech.) Jussi Mikkonen, working as an associate professor at the Technical University of Denmark.

My research interests fall within the umbrella of constructive design research. My work revolves around computational thinking, prototyping functional devices and systems in Design. Storycoding is an approach for developing prototypes, useable for both product development and research purposes.

Our paper “Woven eTextiles in HCI — a Literature Review” to DIS2022 received an honorable mention! The paper points towards research gaps in multi-layer textiles.

Two papers presented at IASDR2021-conference. First one was on Research through Design and programming, and the other focused on a cross-cohort prototyping process within design education.

NEW BOOK! I have two book-chapters on methods for Computational Thinking (Samfundslitteratur).

Here are a few videos from my old Interactive Prototyping -course before moving to Denmark. These are fully functional prototypes by my old students: Beosound Orbit and Beosphere.

Feel free to look at the teaching results, as well as the prototypes. My teaching has generated several patents, and research & teaching have directly generated three start-ups: I like meaningful and practical work.


You can reach me by email:

DTU: [first three letters of firstname, and first two letters of lastname, written together as five lettered word, a bit like lusni] ( at ) dtu (d o t) dk

any other purpose:

“my_first_name” (ät) kryt (dot) fi


Jussi Mikkonen/kryt (C) 2010-2022 pq